KidoCode Registration Invoice

Date: 12/09/2020

Father Details
Saad Alqahtani
Phone: 0178111874

Parent Kidocode ID & Pass
parent7049d & 2f62f5

Payment Information
Paid By: Saad Alqahtani
Payment Type: Card
Paid Amount: RM19,755.38
Order Summary
Child Count: 2
Free HoC: 150 Hours
Total HoC: 500 Hours

Registration Summary

Student Name
Bundle Details
Discount & Free HoC
Total Hoc
  • Sattam Alqahtani
  • 15 years old, male
  • KidoCode ID
  • KPortal Password
  • Fullstack (250 Hours)
  • - Bootstrap 50 hours
  • - Software Engineering 200 hours
  • 4 Free Courses (100 Hours)
  • KBox - Full
  • 350HoC Total
  • RM650.00 - Family Discount
  • RM3,250.00 - Promo
350 HoC
Course Fee RM12,350.00
RM35.28 per Hour of Code
  • Wesam Alqahtani
  • 7 years old, male
  • KidoCode ID
  • KPortal Password
  • Pro Pack (100 Hours)
  • - Bootstrap 50 hours
  • - One learning path from Software Engineering paths (50 hours)
  • 2 Free Courses (50 Hours)
  • KBox - Full
  • 150HoC Total
  • RM382.50 - Family Discount
  • RM850.00 - Promo
150 HoC
Course Fee RM7,268.00
RM48.45 per Hour of Code
Package Price
SST 6% check T&C for more.
Extra Discount
Amount Paid


1. Trainer’s Assistance during Online Course or Courses

A trainer will be assigned to assist the Student who is facing difficulty during the online Course. The Parent and/or the Student do not have any rights to select their preferred trainer. The trainer may assist the Student via chatbot and/or video call (whichever the trainer deems suitable) after receiving the messages from the Student.

2. Curriculum

2.1 The Parent and/or the Student are not permitted to request Kidocode’s Management to make any changes to any part of the curriculum and/or structure of the Course or Courses Kidocode is providing.

2.2 The Parent has to make an appointment with KidoCode on behalf of the Student 3 days in advance if the Student wishes to attend the Youtube Engineering Course and/or the 3D Printing Course.

3. Downgrade

3.1 The Parent may downgrade the Course purchased from 500 HoC to 250 HoC upon the Student reaching 250 HoC or downgrade from 250 HoC to 100 HoC upon the student reaching 100 HoC.

3.2 The Parent should notify KidoCode of his/her intention to downgrade via email at when the Student has completed the HoC mentioned in clause 3.1 above depending on the Course purchased.

3.3 The calculation for a rebate pursuant to 3.1 above is [Course fee paid as stated in the receipt - the Standard Fee of the Course downgraded to (subjected to SST)]. The rebate will be paid within 14 working days from the date of the receipt of the email requesting for downgrade.

6. KBox

KidoCode reserves the right to change or add or reduce the item in the Kbox that is included in any of the Courses purchased.The delivery of the Kbox will start after 30 days from the date of the receipt

7. Indemnity

Before entering into this agreement, the Parent and the Student have gone through trial class and fully understand and are satisfied with the Course offered by Kidocode. The Parent has read and agreed to these Terms and Conditions, all KidoCode’s policies and the general Terms and Conditions as shown at General T&C at Kidocode which may be updated or changed from time to time. The Parent shall indemnify and keep indemnified Kidocode all the legal fee on a solicitor-client basis, travelling charges and any other miscellaneous charges incurred for the legal proceeding in the event the Parent and/or the Student file a claim against Kidocode.